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[Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstarPrinter

When a gunshot is heard at McKinley, everyone is shaken to the core, and things will never be the same again for anyone, especially Kitty Wilde.

Rated: K
Categories: Wildebrams / Kartie / Artittie (Kitty/Artie) Characters: None
Adult Only Content: None
Canon: None
Genera: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No
Word count: 9831 Read: 48282
Published: 05/10/2015 Updated: 05/10/2015
Story Notes:

Author's Notes: Like Passion is Wonder-ful, this story was originally written to become a chapter in my multi part story The Ballad of Kitty and Artie. However at the rate that story is going it will be months before I get to publishing this chapter. I've been sitting on it for months already because it's one of the first chapters I wrote since it's so vital to Kitty's character development. I've referred to it multiple times in other stories, and shared early drafts with a few friends, but I consider it some of my best work. It feels like such a shame to not let the rest of you read it, so I am cleaning it up a little and publishing it as a one shot story. When I get to the episode Shooting Star, I will publish a version with some changes and additions to make it different enough to be interesting and integrate better with the rest of the story. Thanks again to Holly (MyGoldStar) for giving this the beta treatment!

1. Chapter 1 by WildeAbrams [Reviews - 9] starstarstarstarstar (9831 words)